The Chittenden Accountable Community for Health is a community collaborative brought together around the vision that Chittenden County is a healthy place to live, work, play, learn, and achieve spiritual and personal growth. CACH is accountable for the health and well-being of all people in our county through mutually reinforcing clinical and community initiatives.

CACH reviews published and preliminary local, state, and national data to identify opportunities for improvement in population health and well-being. The Community Health Needs Assessement (CHNA) is the primary source of insight and data that CACH bases its work upon.

The Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA) is published every three years. The most recently published CHNA in 2022 identified the following top three health priorities:

· Mental Health and Well-Being

· Housing

· Cultural Humility and Inclusive Healthcare

CACH formed a Health Priority Team for each of the top three health priorities. As recommended by the Blueprint for Health, the CACH Health Priority Team members are a diverse group of agencies, organizations and community members. Such a partnership means that CACH can leverage existing networks and combine resources, experience and capacity to meet its mission.  The CACH Health Priority Team(s) collaborate to create the Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP). The teams then implement population and/or program health strategies and collect data to ensure that each team successfully meets the stated goals and objectives in the Community Health Improvement Plan.